Livermore, CA
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Emergency Management
Welcome to Livermore Emergency Management. Our Emergency Management web pages are dedicated to providing information and resources for creating a disaster resilient community.
Our Mission: The mission of Livermore Emergency Management is to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the community and environment from all hazards by implementing a comprehensive “whole community”, all-hazard, risk-based emergency management program focused on disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery; and that adheres to the California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) requirements.
What we do: Livermore Emergency Management designs, facilitates, and implements programs and training that promote economic recovery, social stability, and “whole community” resilience before, during, and after a disaster. This is done by utilizing the 4 elements of the Emergency Management Cycle: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. As an extension of the City Managers daily governance duties, emergency management ensures that methods and procedures are in place to quickly transition from a daily management to emergency management posture. Emergency Management IS NOT emergency response.
Livermore Emergency Management cultivates and maintains cooperative relationships with local, state, and federal partners, private industry, and volunteer organizations to identify risks and develop plans that promote social and economic continuity and recovery following a disaster. Emergency management also engages, encourages, and trains ordinary citizens and workers in disaster preparedness, neighborhood response, and personal responsibility following a disaster.
Please make sure you and your loved ones are signed up to receive emergency alerts and notifications. Direct links to sign up for these important messages may be found on our Community Alerts and Resources page.
If you have questions or comments about the City's Emergency Management program, please contact City of Livermore Emergency Manager Herbert Cole.