The RHNA refers to the fair share of regional housing that the City is required to accommodate during an eight-year planning period as determined by State housing law. The City’s RHNA for the current eight-year Housing Element cycle is 4,570 dwelling units, distributed among four income categories (1,317 very low, 758 low, 696 moderate, and 1,799 above moderate). Consistent with the RHNA for most Bay Area cities, Livermore’s overall housing need is greatest in the very low- income (28.8% of RHNA) and above moderate-income (39.4% of RHNA) categories. According to State housing law, 50% of the very low-income RHNA allocation should be targeted to extremely low-income individuals (658 units). Livermore’s RHNA also reflects a need for workforce and senior housing in the low- and moderate-income categories, which represent 16.5% and 15.2% of the RHNA, respectively.
In the previous Housing Element cycle, the City met its RHNA targets for the above moderate- and moderate-income categories. However, the City did not meet its targets for the low- and extremely/very low-income categories.
Eden’s workforce housing project would account for 130 housing units affordable to low-, very low-, and extremely low-income households. The City’s current Housing Element sites inventory identifies 130 housing units at a low-income affordability level for the Eden project site. Since the proposal is for 130 units, it meets the Housing Element site inventory’s assigned unit capacity for the site.